Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lawyers, guns, and money.

I was the only one at the range today and the range master and I got to talking. I didn't have to call him master. He's a good guy, some kid who's a pistol packin' computer nerd. I have been practicing squeezing my trigger finger without tensing my hand and shot the SHIT out of a five point military target with a .22 Ruger. Srsly, zombies just lay down and die. Again. So I thought I'd try something with some kick. David recommended a .454 which I knew to be a big gun but really didn't think it was a hand cannon, which is what it was. I took the Ruger back to the counter and said 'I want to try the .454 and both the counter guys said 'Whaaat?' They only had one box of ammo so I opted for the .357 magnum instead. 'Opted' because at the range you don't say 'chickened out'. Even on the .357 my finger exercises have improved my shot. When I try the .454 my first goal will be to fire without letting the recoil force the gun up and bopping me on the forehead.

You can go on YouTube and watch videos of people exploding boars and buffaloes with a .454 but I couldn't bring myself to watch them. I don't know why because buddies of mine in the service sent me footage of bad guys getting blowed up real good and I watched those. I guess I don't like the animal killing (buffalo, not insurgents) because what's a buffalo going to do, fire back? No, it's just standing there chewing the cud wondering where all the other buffaloes have gone and the next thing it's whole head is a pink mist. Not sporting.


At 2:45 PM, May 28, 2010, Blogger Unknown said...

Wasn't "Pink Mist " a hit for the Pussy cat Dolls?

At 3:56 PM, May 28, 2010, Blogger Wayne T. Hurley II said...

And the name of their first perfume, too.


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