Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Creeks Done Rised

It's been raining here in DC for three days. We've got flooding everywhere- homes inundated, babies washed out to sea, the bum with the jump suit who haunts my neighborhood finally had a bath (I saw him in sitting in the park across the street from Eastern Market, with his jumpsuit pulled down and airing out his red long johns. That was really hot.)

It's not a state of emergency yet, I know because congress hasn't run screaming across the Capitol grounds and into Union Station to get a drink. Congress is the nation's canary in the mine, you see them running and you know you got problems. Actually, you see Congress period and you know you got problems, the biggest bunch of gasbags and sociopaths outside of the middle east. But enough about Nanci Pelosi.

Last night the power went off on Capitol Hill, the first time its happened in the nine years I've been living here. I was really surprised when the lights snapped off (about midnight). Hell, things run so smoothly in the neighborhood I figured there was a giant generator under the Capitol to keep things running. That huge snow storm we had a few years back? Power. Hurricane Isabella? Power never flickered, even when the rest of the region was dark for days, sometimes weeks. There were pockets of Maryland that didn't have power a month after the hurricane, but don't get me started about the People's Republic of Maryland.

It was tippy-toe quiet on the Hill, dark as hell, and if I wasn't half expecting a busload of looters to show up any minute I'd have enjoyed it more. I lit a couple of candles, snapped my fingers to try to make the lights come back on (I suck at close work magic) and finally went to bed. Not a sound, not even many cars. Then some fucking bird started to chirp and ruined it until he got bored. Siiilent night, hoooly night, if someone's car is jacked, don't let it be mine.


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